LeBron James undeniably has moves, but guess what … so does his daughter!!!
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6-year-old Zhuri is amazing, dancing to Cardi B‘s, “Up.” It’s flawlessly executed, with the help of her dance instructor … but it doesn’t really seem Zhuri needs much instruction. Talk about projecting greatness … this kid’s gonna be a true performer.
LeBron said the dance lesson had just ended when Zhuri got to pick any song to freestyle to, and she picked Cardi’s latest single. The dance is big on TikTok, but God help anyone who tries to best Zhuri, ’cause she’s awesome!
LeBron wrote, “yeah it’s officially over for me guys!! I feel bad for whomever my Baby Z decides to bring home first!”
For her part, Cardi saw the vid and said, “Yes we all see cuteness gut bayybee I see a future superstar. Sooo adorable! I’m maaa hype lols.”