Results from the General Social Survey (GSS) show a remarkable swing in how Americans feel about same-sex relationships. The disapproval rate has tumbled dramatically as public opinion has turned in favor of gay people. “This isn’t perfect, but it’s such amazing progress. Easily the biggest cultural win since civil rights,” one person posted on X
Clarice Schillinger, executive director of the so-called parents’ rights group Back to School USA and a former candidate for Pennsylvania’s Lieutenant Governor, has been charged with allegedly assaulting and furnishing minors with liquor at her daughter’s 17th birthday party in her Doylestown home. At least one of the teens vomited, one passed out in her
Christian nationalist Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R) has introduced a bill that would fine and imprison adults for consensually creating or sending sexual images or text messages. Deevers included the provision in S.B. 1976, a bill banning child pornography. It prohibits unmarried individuals from producing or sending any “obscene” sexual content found “patently offensive”
Pekka Haavisto is not your typical DJ. He’s also Finland’s former minister for foreign affairs. And there’s a massive chance he’ll be elected president next month. Former Prime Minister Alexander Stubb won the first round of the presidential election, advancing to a runoff election with Haavisto. The margin between the two candidates was tiny; by
Anti-LGBTQ+ right-wing broadcaster Jason Whitlock has praised, platformed, and promoted E. Michael Jones, an antisemitic author whom Whitlock recently interviewed for the right-wing outlet Blaze Media. In the interview, Jones said that Jews “took over the Blacks early on,” are “undermining the moral fabric of the American people,” and are “running the Biden administration.” His
Anti-LGBTQ+ Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) scored an “embarrassing” fifth finish in a recent straw poll ranking the eight Republicans running in her new congressional district. While the poll was unscientific, her unpopularity in it suggests that “she’s finished,” one Republican group said. Boebert, who switched congressional districts late last December when it became clear that
Out Reps. Robert Garcia (D-CA), Mark Pocan (D-WI), and Chris Pappas (D-NH) have asked Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to expedite the process for former LGBTQ+ soldiers still seeking to upgrade their less-than-honorable discharges after being kicked out of the military under “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (DADT) and other historic bans on out queer military
After years of sniping and planning meetings, a sculpture honoring Alan Turing was finally unveiled at Cambridge’s Kings College in England, where he studied math, the foundation of his illustrious career. Turing, a gay man, is widely considered the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. He is most famous for his work on breaking
Maine lawmakers have abandoned a measure that would have helped protect transgender youth’s access to lifesaving health care after a firestorm of unhinged conservative criticism online, led by hate influencer Chaya Raichik. The state’s Judiciary Committee voted unanimously – with one member absent – to stop L.D. 1735 from progressing. The bill would have protected
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson, the brilliant author of the historic Declaration of Independence, affirmed specifically in writing what must be