Directed by Shūhei Matsushita, DEEMO: Memorial Keys is a fantasy-magical Japanese animated movie. It follows a young girl named Alice, who one day falls into an unknown world with strange creatures. There, she encounters Deemo, a lonely entity who spends his days playing the piano. The story then revolves around Deemo helping Alice find her
[Warning: The following contains MAJOR spoilers for Interview With the Vampire Season 2 Episode 4, “I Want You More Than Anything in the World.”] Dream-stat is no more. Louis (Jacob Anderson) cast away the hallucination of Lestat (Sam Reid) in Interview With the Vampire Season 2 Episode 4. Anderson tells TV Insider this was Louis giving
The reality series, Teen Mom: The Next Chapter Season 1 is the next phase in the lives of the former Teen Moms. It brings together the cast of Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2. The group of women now mothers bond over the struggles of parenthood. The show was released on September 6, 2022,
Viggo Mortensen in ‘The Dead Don’t Hurt’. Credit: Marcel Zyskind. Opening in theaters on May 31st is ‘The Dead Don’t Hurt,’ directed by Viggo Mortensen and starring Viggo Mortensen, Vicky Krieps, Danny Huston, Garret Dillahunt, and Solly McLeod. Director Viggo Mortensen and Vicky Krieps Talk ‘The Dead Don’t Hurt’ Initial Thoughts Viggo Mortensen’s second film
Declan McKenna has spoken to NME about working with CMAT, as well as his plans for Glastonbury and new material. The singer-songwriter and past Glastonbury Emerging Talent Competition winner was speaking to NME backstage at last week’s BBC Radio One Big Weekend, where hailed fellow performer CMAT over the work they did together on her
GLAAD, the top LGBTQ+ media advocacy group, is partnering with America’s Blood Centers, a national organization of community-based, independent blood centers, to undertake a summer-long national blood drive campaign that is LGBTQ+ supportive. The campaign, called “The Summer of Giving,” was announced on May 22 and runs from May 28 to Septemeber 4. Related: GLAAD