
The Super Bowl of fashion is here … celebs are flocking to the Met Gala, each making a grand entrance draped in some of the world’s most luxurious designers. The annual event is going down right now in NYC at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where Penelope Cruz, Dua Lipa, Roger Federer and Michaela Coel
Kevin Durant is gonna “do it” for the rest of his life — the NBA superstar just signed a contract with Nike that will keep him with the shoe giant until he takes his last breath. The two sides announced the massive news on Friday … saying they’re both thrilled to be attached at the
Mary Quant, a British designer who revolutionized fashion and is credited with making miniskirts popular, is dead. Mary died peacefully Thursday at her home in Surrey, in southern England … according to her family. She’s famous for designing colorful and sexy miniskirts that defined the swinging ’60s, as well as tights that went along with
Jay-Z‘s longtime love for Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat is being flipped into a tribute concert for the Louis Vuitton Foundation this Friday … marking a rare live performance for Hov these days. ✨🎤JAY-Z – Concert hommage À l’occasion de l’exposition #BasquiatWarhol, JAY-Z rend hommage à Andy Warhol et Jean-Michel Basquiat avec un concert exceptionnel,