
SUE WONG is a study in contrasts. She appears petite, yet possesses a commanding presence and grand energy that fills an entire room. While there is power and strength in her designs, there is a romantic fantasy and poetic lyricism that informs her work. The elegant economy of her gestures belies the strength and determination
Play video content Exclusive Marcia Grant The African-American woman who was denied entry to a Baltimore restaurant because of her son’s t-shirt is shunning the establishment’s apology … because the incident traumatized her 9-year-old boy. Marcia Grant and her spokesperson, Michelle Watts, tell TMZ … the restaurant, Ouzo Bay, has a well-established practice of discrimination,
Play video content Ariana Grande threw what kinda sounds like an oxymoron but it’s not … an intimate birthday bash for herself. Ariana hosted the party Friday night for a few of her close family and friends, to celebrate turning 27. Trucks traversed her Hollywood Hills street all day, delivering supplies and decorations for the