
Your music is really thoughtful. How long do you contemplate what the subject matter will be? Thank you! It feels like a very natural process. Whatever is going on in my life is usually taking up the most space in my mind, so every song I’ve written comes out as a part of the contemplation.
Comic book art prodigy Tamara Kiteley is quickly making her mark in the industry working with Liquid Avatar Technologies and debuting her work at Los Angeles Comic Con at the Los Angeles Convention Center December 3–5. Already working on comic book covers, the 17-year-old Canadian artist hopes to eventually have a career in animation.  Tamara
Krista Kleiner is an angel in disguise. Former Miss Philippines, Krista is a television host, writer, spokesperson, advocate, entrepreneur, philanthropist, singer/songwriter and the founder and Executive Director of the nonprofit organization, The One Heart Movement. Launched in 2021, The One Heart Movement’s mission is to foster unity and well-being through the power of community love.