Just because freshly single Nick Cannon spends a night with smoking hot (and freshly single) Amber Rose at an amusement park … does NOT mean they’re banging — it just looks like it. SUBSCRIBE: http://po.st/TMZSubscribe About TMZ: TMZ has consistently been credited for breaking the biggest stories dominating the entertainment news landscape and changed the way
4:25 PM PT — We just got Star out in NYC who says the NYPD was absolutely the force that shut the event down. She said cops hounded school officials, telling them the end couldn’t happen. SUBSCRIBE: http://po.st/TMZSubscribe About TMZ: TMZ has consistently been credited for breaking the biggest stories dominating the entertainment news landscape
Exclusive TMZ/Gety Composite Kanye West‘s appearance and performance at Joel Osteen‘s Lakewood Church was one of the biggest Christian events in recent memory, with streaming numbers that shattered records. Kanye’s Sunday night service was broadcast across 4 Lakewood-related platforms on Facebook and YouTube with 4.17 million unique viewers total. We’re told by comparison, Joel’s Sunday